Importing array certificates
Importing array certificates
This section describes how to import certificates. If you do not want to import the certificates, Microsoft allows you to disable them.
Disable certificate validation
To disable certificate validation, run “[Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }” prior to executing the Connect-UnityArray cmdlet.
WARNING: Disabling certificate validation disables certificate validation for all cmdlets in current PowerShell session, including commands from other modules.
Import Unisphere certificates
- In your browser, navigate to https://xx.xx.xx.xx (Unisphere or array IP/hostname).
- Select “Certificate”.
- Download and save all certificates in the path.
Import methods
You can use any of these methods to import certificates:
- PowerShell
- Certificate Import Wizard
Import certificates using PowerShell
- Start PowerShell as administrator.
- Enter the Run command.
- Run this command:Import-Certificate -Filepath
-CertStoreLocation ‘Cert: \LocalMachine\Root’ -Verbose. - Repeat steps 2 and 3 to import each certificate.
Import certificates using the import wizard
- Navigate to the directory to which the certificates are saved.
- Double click the certificate file, Certificate Import Wizard opens.
- Follow the steps to import the certificate to Root Certification Authorities store.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to import each certificate.